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A warm welcome to all English speaking members! 👋🏻

Want a separate English sub-forum?  

8 Benutzer abgestimmt

  1. 1. Would you like to have a separate English sub-forum here on smapLand?

    • Yes, for sure. A separate English corner in the forums would be great!
    • No, thanks! I'll just write in English in any topic anyways, if I want to.

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hi all,

smapLand is continuously growing and members are more and more coming from all over the world!
Hence, I want to start a thread for all English speaking members and creators 🇬🇧🇺🇸

While you can switch the language of the community platform itself (scroll down on any page and select English as language), almost every post and thread is in German.
Let's start here and make a first step for the exchange between English speaking members. Feel free to comment your topic in this thread, ask questions in English and so on. I invite everyone who wants to join this thread and level up our community!

Maybe we can also build an own forum for topics in English, @Christian Meixner? That could make the sorting of topics easier.

Also, I invite everyone to translate existing threads and topics into English (I heard some AI tools are very good in translating stuff like that 😄). For example HowTos, Tips&Tricks and stuff like that. If the English speakers have a certain thread they wish to be translated, just post the link here and I or someone other member will help out gladly with the translation!

english snl GIF

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